+90 324 221 38 45 +90 324 221 38 39

About us

The company was founded in 1980 in the province of Mersin with the goal of exporting and importing pulses. Serttaslar has managed its way out to reach the level of exporting pulses to many countries of the world within a few years from its foundation with the 20.000 m/ton output of pulses screening and packaging facilities that is built on an area of 10.000 m2 in the year the company was founded.

Without compromising the quality, Serttaslar has brought the quality of the pulses received from the farmers to the final consumer by using the latest technological calibrating and sorting machines and after having the products passed through hand selection process and the company has achieved the level that can be delivered to the final consumers with the “Serttas” quality which is acceptable to all companies...
